Monday, March 29, 2010


I'm so sorry to say that I won't be reading and writing about a Shakespeare play this month.

In September I made a decision that I was going to start reading one Shakespeare play every month. I knew then that it was a promise that I would like to try to keep for the rest of my life, or at least for a few years, but that it was the promise I wouldn't always be able to keep. I knew that eventually life would get in the way, and that I wouldn't always be able to make time for it.

Well, the time has come. This is the first of six months that I won't be able to read a play. I have too much going on in my life, and I find that it would do more harm than good to force myself to do this--I said "force" because I'm really not in the mood for it, and Shakespeare is most enjoyable for me when I'm REALLY in the mood. I started reading "Coriolanus" a few days ago and felt like I needed to stop. And so I did.

I am acknowledging the fact that there is something missing from this month. I won't make up for it by reading two plays next month; I am simply acknowledging it and moving on, and will try my best to not let this happen again. But if it does, I'm sure it'll be for good reasons, and that I will be able to forgive myself.

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