Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A few days ago when I was on my vacation in Ashland, I got a new idea about a new blogging project. As an aspiring writer, I know that I will only get better if I write more. Quantity eventually brings quality, I believe. So, I decide to blog more. At first I was going to start a new blog, because the new idea doesn't really fit in with what I intended this blog to be. But then I thought, who cares? I can do what I want with my own goddamn blog! So here we are.

I try everyday to use the things I read and do to somehow enrich my writing. I want to improve my lifestyle by integrating things that I find beneficial to my writing. This, from now, is what this blog is about. And because I find schedules useful, I decided to make myself one--every month I will post entries about the following:

-a novel (1 entry per month; when finished)
-a Shakespeare play (1/month; when finished)
-a play (1/month; when finished)
-short stories (2/month; 2nd and 4th week)
-an old film (1/month; 3rd week)
-a new dish (1/month; 4th week)
-5 monologues (1/week; every week)

Pretty much I plan to write about one novel, one Shakespeare play, one other play, and two short stories a month--I read a little bit more than that. These entries are for my other blog and will also be posted here. I plan to spend some tim
e watching old films--I like them and think them swell--and write about one of them every month. These films are so complex and worth studying.

I want to learn to cook a new dish every month, because I love being domestic, even though I haven't had much time to do so lately. Every time I try something new it always gives me a sense of accomplishment, so it's only proper to blog about it.

Not too long ago I came up with a writing exercise that I found really intriguing: write down five random words that came up on top of your head, and use them as topics for monologues. Through it I learned many new things about m
yself, opened numerous doors to the past and discovered thoughts that I didn't even know existed. I wanted to do it consistently, hence it ended up on the schedule.

Encourage me by reading my blog and leaving comments! Your attention counts; it will help me to stick to the schedule.

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