Friday, July 24, 2009

Toni Morrison's "Sula"

I wrote a short little review of Toni Morrison's "Sula" on Facebook, which sounds more like a blurb:

"Toni Morrison is one of the writers who have mastered the craft of prose writing to the point where they can use it effortlessly and eloquently. Reckless readers delight in her brilliant storytelling skills, while careful readers are able to discover her methods and continue to be amazed by her intelligence long after they finish the book."

I read this novel very carefully, not taking any word for granted, because it was clear from the beginning that Toni Morrison is brilliant at using her craft. This novel would work so well as a reading assignment for a writing class; there are many examples of how she isn't merely telling the story but makes sure that it is heard and felt by the readers. By reading carefully one can detect the methods she uses, but they are not overworked or blatant or out of place. It is just right, and it is intelligent.

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