Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm back


It has been a while...

When I created this blog, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with it. All I knew was that I loved reading, and I wanted to have a blog about the joy of reading, how reading had enriched my life. Over time I became busy with school so that I didn't have time to update. I've been spending most of every day reading and writing about literature for school so that I didn't have time to do it for pleasure. Well, hopefully all of that is going to change from now on.

I'm in a class right now that forces me to write a lot about what I read. The professor would give us a question and we would have to write the answer to it right there on the spot. I hate these exercises. It's like, "let's see how you can muster up something to save your life in five minutes." But then I realized how these exercises really have helped me to think better, faster and more thoroughly. It has become much easier to put thoughts into words, to be insightful and honest. I think when we try to write something too formally, we lose sight of the simplest things, we forget the minor details because we are so obsessed with the points we are trying to prove. So that is what I'm trying to do here, test it out, see what happens.

This blog is still going to be about reading. But I might incorporate something about my life in here too. Often times I find that the things I read each day somehow relate to who I am and the current state of my life. So that's what you are going to find here. The books I read, the life I live, and probably some of the work that I have been doing too.

1 comment:

Grace said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're back! I'm looking forward to all of your reviews/critiques and recommendations...