Friday, August 29, 2008

Books For Lunch

When somebody pisses me off by their stupidity, I usually talk about them behind their backs. I would say, "is that person stupid or did s/he eat shit for lunch?" It's either one or the other. Usually these people emerge sometime after noon--I usually don't interact with people until after noon--hence I blame their lunch for their stupidity as opposed to any other meal.

We all know that books are food for brains. And by "we all" I mean literate people. Reading makes us smarter, so that we don't go and piss off others with our stupidity after lunch. Just as our stomachs need good food for lunch, our brains also need a good read, not just for lunch, but for all time. If you find it hard to find time to read, probably because you're not an English major and have more important things in life to do, then maybe, during the last few minutes you have left on your lunch break after you finish inhaling that 6-inch sub, is the best time. I guarantee it will, more or less, enrich your life.

-Books I read this summer
-Why everybody should read the classics
-Heaven on cold medicine


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